I've been looking for root beer for a while, hoping to make a root beer float. Dan & Poonam, remembering this, saw an unknown soda in the grocery store and decided to take a chance on a can, thinking it might be root beer, and if not, we could try something new.
Well, if you're ever in Spain, and curious about the soda called Bitter Kas, let me save you the trouble. This stuff is terrible.
"Based on how pretty it is, and red, I thought it would taste like strawberries," Poonam said. "It tasted like the aftertaste of cough syrup mixed with Windex."
"Bitter. Earthy. Definitely like biting into a gross root of something," was Dan's take. He later compared it to the taste of a new and green tree branch.
Ian said it was "kind of like mashed-up dandelions, but not as sweet as you'd expect it to be."
Before tossing it down the sink, I took another sip, just to make sure it was really that bad.
My reaction? Blech. Too gross for words.